Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Class Actions


Class actions provide a way for individuals to seek accountability from powerful organizations and level the playing field with large corporations helping victims get compensation and discouraging corporations from engaging in future wrongdoing. For defendants, class action claims can represent a substantial risk to an organization, particularly where class size can result in claims for very large damages awards.

Our lawyers have the experience and expertise to effectively advance claims on behalf of class plaintiffs, and respond to class claims for certification. In the right cases, third-party litigation financing entities may invest the legal fees necessary to advance the class claim Where a class of plaintiffs has a strong claim, but lacks the financial resources to advance it, Robins Appleby has the experience and network to explore these options.

Our attorneys can advocate for you across a range of class action cases, including those involving:

  • Consumer protection: where products or services do not meet customer expectations because of false or misleading representations about them by the seller, were charged undisclosed fees, or imposed unfair terms on consumers.

  • Institutional abuse: where institutions with a fiduciary responsibility for those in their care cause harm through neglect or mistreatment.

  • Mass accidents and environmental disasters: where negligence or misfeasance result in devastating consequences for people, these class claims can address resulting consequences.

  • Price fixing: where corporations or groups of companies agree to artificially increase prices for certain goods, price-fixing class actions seek to recover the amounts that purchasers overpaid for products such as television and computer components, chemicals, auto parts, chocolate, gasoline, drywall, and batteries.

  • Privacy and data breaches: where personal information is mishandled or exposed it can have serious consequences for individuals whose information has been compromised. Class actions allow individuals to seek compensation and hold companies accountable for their failure to protect personal information.
  • Product liability: defective, ineffective and potentially dangerous products where the manufacturer may be liable if they did not exercise reasonable care in the design or manufacture of the product.
  • Securities litigation: Companies are required to make full, fair, and timely disclosure of certain important facts to investors. Class actions allow investors to recover losses when companies fail to meet these obligations.

If you believe you may have a class action case, don't hesitate to reach out to our experienced class action lawyers. We have the knowledge and resources to effectively advocate for you. Contact us today to discuss your class action case and how we can help.


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